- example_019.php was added to test non-unicode mode using old fonts.
2.4.000 (2008-03-06)
- RTL support was deeply improved.
- GetStringWidth() was fixed to support RTL languages.
- Text() RTL alignment was fixed.
- Some functions were added: GetArrStringWidth(), GetCharWidth(), uniord(), utf8Bidi().
- example_018.php was added and test_unicode.php was removed.
2.3.000 (2008-03-05)
- MultiCell() signature is changed. Now support multiple columns across pages (see example_017).
- Write() signature is changed. Now support the cell mode to be used with MultiCell.
- Header() and Footer() were changed.
- The following functions were added: UTF8ArrSubString() and unichr().
- Examples were updated to reflect last changes.
2.2.004 (2008-03-04)
- Several examples were added.
- AddPage() Header() and Footer() were fixed.
- Documentation is now available on http://www.tcpdf.org
2.2.003 (2008-03-03)
- [1894853] Performance of MultiCell() was improved.
- RadioButton and ListBox functions were added.
- javascript form functions were rewritten and properties names are changed. The properties function supported by form fields are listed on Possible values are listed on http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/js_developer_guide.pdf.
2.2.002 (2008-02-28)
- [1900495] html images path was fixed.
- Legacy image functions were reintroduced to allow PNG and JPEG support without GD library.
2.2.001 (2008-02-16)
- The bug "[1894700] bug with replace relative path" was fixed
- Justification was fixed
2.2.000 (2008-02-12)
- fixed javascript bug introduced with latest release
2.1.002 (2008-02-12)
- Justify function was fixed on PHP4 version.
- Bookmank function was added ([1578250] Table of contents).
- Javascript and Form fields support was added ([1796359] Form fields).
2.1.001 (2008-02-10)
- The bug "[1885776] Race Condition in function justitfy" was fixed.
- The bug "[1890217] xpdf complains that pdf is incorrect" was fixed.
2.1.000 (2008-01-07)
- FPDF_FONTPATH constant was changed to K_PATH_FONTS on config file
- Bidirectional Algorithm to correctly reverse bidirectional languages was added.
- SetLeftMargin, SetTopMargin, SetRightMargin functions were fixed.
- SetCellPadding function was added.
- writeHTML was updated with new parameters.
- Text function was fixed.
- MultiCell function was fixed, now works also across multiple pages.
- Line width was fixed on Header and Footer functions and <hr> tag.
- "GetImageSize" was renamed "getimagesize".
- Document version was changed from 1.3 to 1.5.
- _begindoc() function was fixed.
- ChangeDate was fixed and ModDate was added.
- The following functions were added:
setPage() : Move pointer to the specified document page.
getPage() : Get current document page number.
lastpage() : Reset pointer to the last document page.
getNumPages() : Get the total number of inserted pages.
GetNumChars() : count the number of (UTF-8) characters in a string.
- $stretch parameter was added to Cell() function to fit text on cell:
0 = disabled
1 = horizontal scaling only if necessary
2 = forced horizontal scaling
3 = character spacing only if necessary
4 = forced character spacing
- Line function was fixed for RTL.
- Graphic transformation functions were added [1811158]:
- Graphic function were added/updated [1688549]:
2.0.000 (2008-01-04)
- RTL (Right-To-Left) languages support was added. Language direction is set using the $l['a_meta_dir'] setting on /configure/language/xxx.php language files.
- setRTL($enable) method was added to manually enable/disable the RTL text direction.
- The attribute "dir" was added to support custom text direction on HTML tags. Possible values are: ltr - for Left-To-Right and RTL for Right-To-Left.
- RC4 40bit encryption was added. Check the SetProtection method.
- [1815213] Improved image support for GIF, JPEG, PNG formats.
- [1800094] Attribute "value" was added to ordered list items <li>.
- Image function now has a new "align" parameter that indicates the alignment of the pointer next to image insertion and relative to image height. The value can be:
T: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL
M: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL
B: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL
N: next line
- Attribute "align" was added to <img> html tag to set the above image "align" parameter. Possible values are:
top: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL
middle: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL
bottom: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL
- [1798103] newline was added after </ul>, </ol> and </p> tages.
- [1816393] Documentation was updated.
- 'ln' parameter was fixed on writeHTMLCell. Now it's possible to print two or more columns across several pages;
- The method lastPage() was added to move the pointer on the last page;